How to support
the remix racing project
To make a tax-deductible donation (Tax ID 92-1584185), simply click on the "Donate" button, above, and follow the steps. If you would like to make a general donation, without any specific instructions, we will be sure to put your money to use where it's needed most!
If you prefer that we apply your donation to a particular event or to help cover a specific expense, please fill out our CONTACT US form and specify the event(s) or expense(s) you want to support and we will be sure to use your contribution for its intended purpose.
The Remix Racing team thanks you for your support!
As a sponsor, you will have a variety of opportunities to promote your business and enhance your brand with a customized combination of the following:
★ Your company logo displayed on our:
o Race
o Apparel
o Motorcycle
★ A featured space on our website, including:
o Your
company logo
o Links
to your website and social media platforms
o Your
marketing message/slogan
★Your company products included in team photos/videos/interviews
★Your sponsorship mentioned in podium speeches
★Your sponsorship mentioned in a minimum of 2 social media posts for each event
Please fill out the CONTACT US form and one of our Team Members will contact you within 24 hours to discuss a customized sponsorship package that we can both feel good about.